国際日本武術空手道 | International Japan Karate-Do Association

Sports club Olympic 2019, Plovdiv

April 20-21 - Seminar with Sensei Lachezar Nenov, Tonus-sport, Pazardzhik

April 20-21 - Seminar with Sensei Lachezar Nenov, Tonus-sport, Pazardzhik



International Japan Karate Association - Bulgaria


IJKA Karate seminar and instructor meeting: Pazardzhik on April 20 and 21, 2024.

Instructor: Sensei Lachezar Nenov - 6th dan IJKA, technical director of IJKA, chief instructor and vice president of the Bulgarian Shotokan Karate-Do Federation, head of the Asai Ryu Kata section of the technical commission and member of the SKDUN management board.

Place: city of Pazardzhik, Sports Hall "Ivan Simeonov"

Program: Kihon, Kumite. Basai Dai and Jion Refinement for Blue Belt and Brown Belt Competitors.

Time: April 20 from 11.30 a.m.: Registration, participation fee, seminar and exam. 

April 20 /SATURDAY/ 12.00 - 14.15  /training/ 12.00-13.15 - beginners, from white to orange belts, incl

17.00-19.15  training 17.00-18.15 -beginners, from white to orange belts, incl.

April 21 /SUNDAY/ 10.00 - 11.30  general training, all belts

EXAM: 11.30 - 13.00 hours