国際日本武術空手道 | International Japan Karate-Do Association

Sports club Olympic 2019, Plovdiv

10-11 October - Shotokan Karate Do seminar and exam with Latchezar Nenov Sensei, Burgas

Karate club RONIN, Bulgarian Federation Shotokan Karate-Do
International Japan Karate Association - Bulgaria


Shotokan Karate Do seminar and exam, Burgas 10-11 October 2020

Lachezar Nenov Sensei / 6th Dan / - Technical Director of IJKA, head coach and vice-president of the Bulgarian Federation Shotokan Karate-Do, member of the board and technical committee of SKDUN.

Location: Burgas, residential complex "Br. Miladinovi ”, Primary School “ Br. Miladinovi ”, a small gym. See on the map
October 10, 2020 (Saturday)
- 12-14h.
- 16-18h.
October 11, 2020 (Sunday)
- 10-12h.
- 12.15 pm - exam for technical degrees
- 13.00 - Asai ryu Kata for instructors

Program: Kata: Heian Godan, Tekki Nidan and Joko Issei.
Kumete: Kihon ippon, Sanbon, Go hon, and Jiu ippon kumite, Sen no sen, Go no sen, Sen sen no sen and Ayuchi.

The trainings will be divided into 2 groups: Beginners and Advanced
Instructors decide in which group their students should participate according to age and skills. Advanced is desirable to participate in training for beginners.

Trainings fee - 40 BGN